
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sacrament Meeting Coloring Books

Our family attends church together every Sunday.  Sacrament Meeting (our opening worship service) is always a bit of a struggle for the kids, especially for Little Brother.  It begins right about the time that he usually takes a nap, and it's hard to sit still.  We bring a small bag with toys, books, and crayons to help keep them entertained and rotate the toys every couple weeks to keep them interesting...some weeks they help and some weeks they seem to be more of a distraction. 

Lately the favorite activity was coloring.  As the kids were coloring in the fireman coloring book we brought, I though it was a shame I didn't have something more church focused for them to color and think about.  So I went home went on a search for some religious focused coloring pages.

I started on Sugardoodle and found Joseph Smith's First Prayer, color by number from Sugardoodle.  Most of the clipart on Sugardoodle was colored though, so I kept searching their site and found a link to this site that has all (or most) of the coloring pages from the Friend Magazine Cataloged.

So after about half an hour on the computer, I had a 6 page packet of black and white coloring pages for the kids.  (Next time it will probably only take 15 minutes since I know right where to go for the pictures.)  For this one I focussed on LDS Church History since that's what the last few Primary lessons have been about for Firecracker.  I haven't posted the PDF online, but if you want to leave a comment with your email address, I'd be happy to email you the Word file.

This kept Firecracker occupied for quite a while.  Little Brother wasn't really into coloring this week...and we still had to take him out a couple times, but overall I'd say it was a success, and we'll be using these again next week.  Then it will be time to make some fresh ones.


  1. Ugg, sacrament meeting is hard for so many kids. We're getting our little guy adjusted to staying in, not playing with his toys until after the sacrament has been passed, and yeah, most of the time he's pretty good, but really, it's hard for little kids, this is perfect! We usually use the coloring books from those old cartoons (that the church didn't put out) my mom had bought them when we were little and used to copy pages out of them, I was too lazy and just let the kids color them. They are getting to the point where they are useless (all colored and the activities have all been done). I'll have to go back on Sugardoodle and print these up. Thank you

  2. I would love the file my email is Its so hard for my 2 1/2 year old in sacrament, hes not to into coloring but its worth a try.

  3. This is awesome I would love to have the PDF

  4. Ha, you must have 1pm church! I have to be honest though, we still fight the same battles every week too even with 9am church. This sounds like a fun idea I'd like to try. sorainima (at) gmail (dot)com

  5. I would love one as well! Thanks so much!

    natandcharles07 (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. Would love the file. Thanks.

  7. I would love one as well!

  8. I'd love a copy of the pdf! Thanks! whitneysnow20 at

  9. Hi, I'm the primary president in our ward and pick up some of the kids who want to come, but their parents don't! I would LOVE the file of your coloring book! Thank you so much!

  10. I would love a copy of the file! Thanks so much!


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