
Monday, December 26, 2011

The Children Were Nestled, All Snug in their Beds...

...under three new quilts.

Er...maybe not exactly under...they actually all looked like this when I went in to take pictures.

Please note that when Firecracker was tucked in, her quilt was spread across her whole bed with the top facing up.

Old habits die hard.  The kids have been sleeping with a random assortment of their favorite blankets that they're not used to sleeping with a big blanket that covers their entire bed.

I did rearrange Sweet Pea and Little Brother to be tucked in under their quilts.  Although Hubby just informed me that Little Brother woke up screaming at 1:30 am because he was under his quilt and it was wrinkled instead of him sleeping on top of it with it perfectly smoothed out.  After smoothing it out for him, Little Brother was able to go back to sleep ON TOP of his quilt.  We're going to have to work on that since Little Brother occasionally still wets the bed and we'll be washing the quilt a lot more of he insists on sleeping on top of it.

They were quite happy with them when they opened them.  Little Brother opened his first...

Then Sweet Pea... (she got a coordinating fitted fleece sheet too.)

And then Firecracker...

I'm sure these will be well loved over the years...

And as quilts can go, they were fairly easy to make.  I'll be sharing the details and patterns for how I made them soon.

We had a wonderful Christmas, remembering the birth of our Savior and enjoying giving and receiving gifts.  It was fun to see how excited the kids were to have their siblings open a gift they'd chosen especially for them.  We let the kids open one gift before heading off to church, and then had a relaxing afternoon opening gifts with the kids stopping to play with a new toy or have a new book read to them before moving on to another gift. 


  1. BEAUTIFUL!!! Wow, these are so wonderful. What treasures for the kiddos!

  2. Beautiful quilts and such treasures for the kids to keep. My daughters are now parents and one a grandparent but still has the quilts my mom made them when they were little. I am so happy they treasured them so much to keep them all these years.


  3. Yes, please share how you made them! I'm just getting into quilting and especially like how the pennant one turned out.

  4. GORGEOUS quilts! What a wonderful mommy!

  5. Wow, LOVE the planet and bird quilts!


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