
Saturday, September 22, 2012

DIY Nursing Pillow Cover

I got a Boppy nursing pillow when Rebecca was born.  I had always intended to make a cover for it...but didn't.  She very rarely spit up, so it wasn't a big deal...but it did get the ocassional milk dribble on it and after 18 months of breast feeding, the pillow didn't look pretty.  Sorry...not photo of the yucky pillow.

Besides being great for breastfeeding, these pillows are also great for helping older siblings hold the new baby.

For cute photo ops...

For making tummy time more bearable for baby...

And for when they're starting to sit up, it can provide cushioning for when they fall over.
(He's changed a lot in 6 months, huh?)

I had originally planned on making up a pattern that I could share with you...and then I realized there was probably someone out on the internet who had already done it, and sure enough there was.  I used the pattern from Kelsey at Vanilla Joy.  

These were so easy that instead of just making the one, I'd planned on, I made two for us... a girly one for Katie's new sister.  (Her birthmom has a baby girl a month older than Anson.)

The pattern is great.  I just had one additional tip.  The main thing I did differently was that I sewed a deeper inside seam.  I wanted the cover to really hug the inside curve, so I could tuck the pillow into my tummy as close as possible for more support for Anson while breast feeding.
I've also included a picture of the zipper part for additional illustration.  My zipper was slightly longer than the directions called for, but I already had it on hand.  If you have this problem. you can just sew a little through the zipper, being careful not to break the needle on your machine and it will work just fine.

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  1. Awesome! And your little models are too precious! It looks like you made it flannel, which makes it extra cozy. I've done that too. :) Given that the boppy gets squished after time, I also made a boppy as a gift out of sheets and the contents of a pillow.

  2. Very nice! And absolutely adorable models! :)

  3. Such cute kiddos. Give them a hug from Grandma! Too bad boppy pillows hadn't been invented yet when I was nursing babies. :)

  4. My goodness, he has gotten so big! I love the giraffe print Boppy, too. Good work (on both :)!

  5. I borrowed a Zoo pillow last time, but I'm seriously thinking I should probably get one... Love the animal print!

  6. Anson is SO cute! Love that hair sticking up all over!

  7. This is great, but I think my favorite part of the post were your cute photos. Found you from Fantabulous Friday.

  8. Oh, my boppy needs a new cover like crazy...thanks for the inspiration! Popping by from "For the Kids Friday"...come say hi over at week I'm linking up some cutesy bee wrapping paper. Love the blog- thanks for sharing!!

  9. Officially the cutest pictures ever. Such a lovely and useful idea.



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