It was getting a bit cumbersome to update the list of felt food tutorials in each post, so here they are. Don't forget to some readers' felt food creations for more great inspiration.
- Felt Peanut Butter and Jelly
- Felt Bread Slices
- Felt Banana and Peel
- Felt Orange Peel
- Felt Orange Sections with Printable Pattern
- Felt Lettuce Leaves with Printable Pattern
- Felt Chocolate Mini-Cupcakes with Printable Pattern
- Felt Sliced Cheese
- Felt Strawberries
- Felt Carrots
- Mini-Tin Cans (Not felt, but so easy and practically free)
- Felt Sunny-side Up Eggs
- Felt Scrambled Eggs
- Felt Butter & Syrup
- Felt Pancakes (including a dinosaur version)
- Felt Blueberry Muffin
- Felt Fajitas (Adding Chicken Pieces/Chicken Nuggets)
- Felt Sliced Bell Peppers
- Felt Sliced Tomato
- Felt Shredded Cheese
- Felt Sliced Onions
- Felt Pizza Sauce
- The Amazing Changing Felt Pizza Crust/Tortilla
- Felt Tortellini Pasta
- Felt Agnolotti Pasta
- Felt Bow Tie Pasta
- Remake Cheap Toy Food Boxes to Last