Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sugar Bee Crafts: Favorite Blogs Tour

I'm super excited about our guest today in our Favorite Blogs Tour... Mandy from Sugar Bee Crafts. I've been following her blog as long as I can remember and she has so many projects that are both amazing and doable.

Hi Everyone!!  What a great idea for a series - seeing everyone's best posts grouped all together - I love it!  I am Mandy from Sugar Bee Crafts.

Sugar Bee Crafts: sewing, recipes, crafts, photo tips, and more!

I have 4 kiddos and love to craft and blog (obviously!) - - I feel like if I can do something, then you can too!!

Here's some of my all-time popular posts - I love them all for different reasons.  Just click on the title to take you to the tutorial:

#6 - Plywood Rug - so much cuter than the boring plastic ones, but still let's your chair roll perfectly:

#5 - Glass Tile Pendants - so easy and cheap to make yourself - possibilities are endless:

#4 - Monogram Mirror - love the personalized touch:

#3 - Rag Rug Tutorial - details on how to make a rug out of old sheets - even with a video how-to:

#2 - Knotted Headband with Tshirt Yarn - so popular because it's so easy and comfy:

and drumroll............

#1 - Giant Picture for Cheap - anyone can do this and it makes such a statement:

Thanks for letting me post!!  Come check out lots more great projects over at!  See ya there!

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  1. I am really enjoying all these different "favorite" posts. Thank you, Polly and guest stars!

  2. Fun!! Love the Glass tile pendant!! Need to give it a try!!! :)


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