Wednesday, January 2, 2013

12 Favorites from Helping Little Hands in 2012

I always love looking through everyone's favorite posts of the last year.  I think it's fun to see recaps of the BEST projects on all my favorite blogs.  I meant to have my own post up a week or so ago, but things were busy at home over Christmas break, and then our internet was down for a few days.

But today the older kids are back in school, so I had fun going back and looking at some of my favorite projects.  Here are 12 favorites from the last year in no particular order...

I had fun preparing for our new baby during the first few months of the year, starting with Anson's fun Puzzle Quilt.  It's easier than it looks...REALLY.

I also had fun making him several nerdy baby onesies.  The Fresh Baked Pi ...
and Radioactive Baby outfits were two favorites...but there were some other fun ones too.
I'm not normally one to decorate a lot for Valentine's Day, but I came up with a couple of easy decorations last year.  I loved this little twig tree...
...and the melted crayon art was by far my most visited (and pinned) post from 2012.
I've really had fun doing more quilting this year.  These quilts were made in 2011, but I didn't get posts written about them until 2012, so we'll count them anyway.  They have been snuggled and loved much throughout the year.  I made this Bird and Bunting Quilt (free pattern included) for Becca...
...and Seth got this Solar System Quilt (pattern also included).
I love doing fun cakes for the kids' birthday...especially when they're as easy as this construction cake I made for Seth.
I guess it was a good year for Seth because these Monster Knee Patches were loved by him and readers alike.  He's got several more pairs that could use this treatment now...
And 2012 was nothing if not the year for the Cut-Out Cupcake...we made lots of different kinds, but I think the stars were my favorites.  Star Cut-Outs
(Pictured are Pumpkin Cut-Out Cupcakes, Monster Cut-Out Cupcakes, Clover Cut-Out Cupcakes, Star  Cut-Out Cupcakes, and Christmas Cut-Out Cupcakes.)

and last but not least...'tis still the season to make a Snowball Fight in a Bag...
...or whip up a Peas in a Pod necklace for Mother's Day.

And I just have to finish up with a quick plug for the I-Spy Swap.  Swap A has filled up, but there are still some spots in Swap B.  Go here to sign-up.

Can't wait to see what 2013 brings!

Please show my sponsors some love...
Smiling Guitar Print from NJoyArt
BroBots Print from NJoyArt
Tuxedo Collection Fabric Bundle - From Sisters and Quilters

I'll be linking to: A Mommy Adventures Keeping It Simple abc buttonTip Junkie handmade projects giveaways make it wear it   Katie's Nesting Spot Photobucket Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party! abc buttonShibley Smiles Fresh Poppy DesignPoint of View: A Creative Collaboration,a creative collaboration,point of view,point of view a creative collaborationThe Girl CreativeOr so she saysSo I Married A Craft Blogger
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1 comment:

  1. I totally thought of your snowball fight in a bag the other day when I went to the Hallmark store, they were selling something similar for $20. And the construction cake is so much fun. I love to read about all the projects you do.


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