Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sending Some Love - Fabric/Cardstock Primary Cards (Printable Included!)

It's taken me a long time to get around to posting the project, but better late then never. :)  I made these for my 9-Year-Old Primary class at church.  I wanted to give them something on Valentine's Day, but keep it church related.  I asked each child the week before what their favorite color was and chose a different fabric from my stash for each child.  Then I wrote personal notes to each one.  One child said his favorite color was black, so his heart is from those cordoroy pants that I turned into these cute skirts for my daughters and some knee patches for Firecracker.  I liked that the cards were all the same because the pattern was the same, but each unique...just the way Heavenly Father loves each of his children...the same, but as individuals.

The kids LOVED that they were each different and had the personal note.

I did a poor job of taking pictures for a tutorial, but for a quick run down, I cut out the hearts.  Then I sewed them to the cards being careful not to stretch the fabric, so they'd lay flat.  You could use a bit of double sided tape if you wanted.  I'd practice on some scraps first.  On several of them, there was a tiny pucker at the tip where the ends met, but it was okay.  This is great for using up scraps!

Even though I made them for Valentine's Day, these would work to give to your class any time of year.
You want to make some?  Here's a PDF for the Text.  I printed it on cardstock.  Then the template for the heart is attached below.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea - the fabric makes them more personal than just a printed card. Thanks Polly!


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