Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sea Turtle Applique with Printable Pattern

With Hubby graduating and our family moving out-of-state right before Christmas, we kind of flaked on Christmas gifts for a lot of pretty much everyone we love except our own kiddos.  I'm trying to make up for that now that things have calmed down.  I know all these people love us and understood why we flaked out, but none the less, we're trying to do little things for people one at a time. 

So when my nephew had his first birthday, I decided to make him a little outfit.  His parents are pretty cool, trendy people, so I wanted a design that would be a good fit for their family.  I don't know if other people think it's cool and trendy, but I thought a sea turtle would be cute with summer almost here.
The shirt is one I got on sale back around Christmas time and never got around to using for the intended purpose.  The shorts were some extra ones that we had around.  I'm thinking maybe I should have done something to make the turtle on the shorts pop out a bit more...but I was working on a deadline.

For the design, I started with some free clipart I found on the internet here and modified it to look more like a sea turtle.
All of the applique is done with Heat'n Bond Lite and T-shirt scraps from other projects.

And of course, I've got a printable for you if you want to make your own groovy sea turtle.  I didn't do a full tutorial for this because it's basically the same as the others I've done, just with a different pattern.  For my tutorial with the dinosaur pattern, click here.

To download the printable turtle applique pattern, you can go here.


  1. Oooh, I really like the sea turtle design. So cool. For reals.

  2. Wow!That is an incredible turtle! Thanks for linking up with What are little boys made of?

  3. coming from remodleaholic-this is adorable!

  4. That is such a cute turtle! I really like it. It should be a t-shirt on or something.

  5. This is so cute!! My dad has pet turtles so all of his grandkids (who I sew for) looove turtles! THanks for sharing!

  6. I love that pattern. I'm just having a go at applique, and will have to give this a go!


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