Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fabric Note Cards

Maybe I'll start sending out birthday cards again...
...cause these were so easy!
Everybody's probably already seen the tutorial from Dana on MADE for these.  She did a great job with the tutorial, so I won't reinvent the wheel.
But this is how mine turned out.
I love that you can use scraps that would be hard to use for other things.  (Recognize the left over denim from Sweet Pea's skirt?)
...and love mixing up the textures.
I can tell there are going to be more of these in my future.  Next time I'll probably make them in sets with the same fabric, but I was having fun mixing and matching.

I'm linking to:
Show and Tell Green 
http://www.thethriftyhome.com Photobucket


  1. These are really pretty, Polly. I like the way they combine your interests in quilting and recycling.

  2. I love those Polly! Something about sewing on paper is so fun, isn't it?

  3. What beautiful little note cards! I'm off to check out the tutorial! I have to make me some of these! Thanks for the inspiration!


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