Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Firecracker had her second soccer game today. There are three total kindergarten teams at her school that play each other. It's pretty low-key...they don't really keep score...the coaches are the goalie...etc. Firecracker showed quite a bit of improvement in her performance from their first in she ran to catch up to the ball, made efforts to get the ball away from opposing players, and kicked it in the right direction. She was also very proud of herself for helping make the last goal. (She got it most of the way down the field and a teammate made the final kick into the net.)

Here she is with some of her team in the first game. That's her in the purple shirt and yellow capris. I made her some purple shorts to wear, but she wasn't wearing them for the first game. It's fun to watch all the kids interact with each other and since a lot of them on different teams are friends and in the same class, she cheered for her friends, even if they were on the other team.

P.S. I'm still fighting with Blogger and had to go back to the old editer....grrrr...but I should have something awesome to show you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for Firecracker! Hooray for low-key coaches and a lot of fun and exercise for kids.


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