Thursday, March 31, 2011

Back to the Usual

The Read-Along from last month was a blast, and I loved every minute of it, but I'm ready to get back to the random assortment of crafts, tutorials, cooking, mothering, funny moments, and preschooling that make this blog what it is.  So I've had lots of ideas about what I might post about today... 
  • An amazing new tutorial  (I've got several awesome projects ready that I need to write up.)
  • An April Fools' Day prank to play on all of you
  • April Fools Day pranks you can play on your kids
  • One of several recipes I've been playing with lately
  • Pictures of all the seeds we've been planting
  • Or even a children's book post since even after our read-along, I'm still behind on those.
But Sweet Pea has been sick all day, and I've got a project I'm in the middle of working on.  I'm actually going to go work on crafts instead of blogging about them, and keep my fingers crossed that Sweet Pea feels good enough tomorrow that Hubby and I are still able to make it to the LDS Temple together.  (It's an 1 1/2 hours away, so not a trip that is easily rescheduled.)

So instead of writing one of those other posts, I decided to join in the Ultimate Blog Party at 5 Minutes for Mom.
Ultimate Blog Party 2011

If you're new here (or if you're not), I hope you'll take some time to explore my blog.  I post mostly every weekday.  I'm in the process of making my archives more accessible.  You'll find tabs at the top of my page for some of the main topics on my blog.  Since we just finished up a children's book Read-Along during March, I've finished making a browsable photo archive of my past posts about children's book/preschool posts.  My Hand-Me-Down REHAB and Felt Food Tutorials will be next.  I also have a lot of tutorials on my site that don't fit into any of these categories that are worth a look.  Or if you're in the mood to be inspired by other people I think are cool, then you might want to take a peek at my To-Do List...which always seems to grow faster than I can complete projects. 

And in case you'd like to read about what we did last year for April Fools' can see it here.

Be sure to stop back in on Monday for a Tutorial. ;)


  1. It is so wonderful to go to party and find a friendly face!

  2. Hi Polly! Just making the party rounds. :)


  3. I'm participating in UBP this year, too. So glad to have discovered your blog earlier in the month. If you have the Read-Along again next year I hope to participate.

  4. Love your felt food!

    Stopping by from the UBP. So nice to meet you.

    Tracy All Thumbs Crafts


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