Then they also drew their own Oobleck picture to go to the story.
Michelle has two posts about it so click here and then follow her link to the oobleck recipe.
And if you're loving this month's read along as much as I am, you're going to love Michelle's blog!. She hosts a weekly linky party called stART, just for linking projects that involve children's stories and related projects. stArt stands for a STORY + ART = a great stArt.
It's one of my favorite parties to link to because I always find a fun new project to do with the kiddos. She's got a party going on now, so be sure to head over and see all the great projects (and maybe link a few up yourself) and become a follower so you'll remember to come back for more. You can also check out her stART achives here.
And...if you're just now joining our little read along, be sure to visit our Read-Along Archives to see the books we've already read.
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