Saturday, March 5, 2011

A House for Hermit Crab - Read Along with Mama Hen and the Chicks

Debbie from Mama Hen and the Chicks is a kindergarten teacher.  She has a new blog that she shares with her two daughters.  She already has a lot of great posts, and I'm super excited to see what she's got to share with us today.

Debbie is sharing A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle.  Eric Carle is a favorite author at our house.  Our kids loved reading this book a couple months ago...but I never thought of a good activity for it.  Now we'll have to check it out again!  Debbie not only shares the project she did with her kindergarteners, but she also gives some great ideas for your older kids too!

My kiddos will love to pull out our craft supplies and decorate their shell in style.  You can head on over to Mama Hen and the Chicks to find out more and see all her great links to more information about hermit crabs and Eric Carle.

If you're just now joining us, be sure to visit our Read-Along Archives to see the books we've already read.


  1. For older readers, my favorite hermit crab story is the title essay in Barbara Kingsolver's "High Tide in Tucson." I love this book. It's easy to pick up and put down because it's a collection of essays. Kingsolver makes me think and laugh, and I love that.

  2. Um, by "older," I meant "adult." Kingsolver is not writing for kids. If you haven't discovered her yet, she's wonderful.


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