Friday, January 13, 2012

nJoyArt: New Sponsor Spotlight

 If you follow me on Pinterest (my Cakes and Party Ideas Board in particular) , you might have guessed that we have some kind of space party coming up at our house.  Little Brother got his solar system themed quilt (I promise...the post about it with the pattern ARE coming) as well as several other solar system themed gifts for Christmas, which inspired Firecracker to ask for a solar system themed birthday party.

Which led me to searching the for various solar system and space graphics...which led me to this original painting...

...and then this one...

And then by the time I saw this amazing Solar System Print, I knew I wanted it for Little Brother's wall to go with the's in the mail...and I.CAN'T.WAIT for it to show up in my mailbox. 

nJoy Art has a lot more to offer than just Space and Solar System art, though, so I emailed Nicola to see if she'd be interested in becoming a sponsor, so I'd have an excuse to show her amazing work off to all of you.

And she said, YES! 

So I'm pleased to introduce Nicola of nJoy Art as the newest sponsor of Helping Little Hands!  (And make sure to read to the end of the post to find out how you could win an amazing painting of your own.)

Nicola has almost 100 different works of art listed in her shop, and nearly all of her pieces are the original works of art, with a few prints available.

Here's just a small sampling of what you'll find. 

All sorts of children's pieces

Amazing pieces for YOU

POPPIES, 36x24 Acrylic Canvas by nJoy Art

And several that would be great for Valentine's gifts that could stay up all year.

And once you're finished drooling over all of her amazing paintings, Nicola's offering a chance to win one!  Once her Facebook page reaches 300 "likes," she'll be giving away one amazing piece of original art to one lucky Facebook follower, and you get to vote on which piece it will be.   Go here to "like" nJoy Art on Facebook.  Then go here to vote on your favorites by "liking" the individual paintings.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Polly! I would love to do a guest post for you. My email is voelkelfamily at hotmail dot com.


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