Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Easy and Cheap Space Party Decorations

Bit-by-bit I've been sharing details from Firecracker's Outer Space Party, and I'm almost done.  We kept the decorations really simple, and they were mostly restricted to the table.

I started with a black plastic table cloth from the dollar store.  I'd planned to have everything laid out ahead of time with star stickers already stuck all over it.  Because an unexpected doctor visit ate up most of my prep time, I ended up giving the girls the star stickers and gave them directions to decorate the table cloth.  They had fun doing it, and it was a great way to keep them busy while I was finishing up a few other last minute details.
I also gave them each a brown paper sack and print-out of their name in Milky Way font (can be downloaded from here), so they'd have a place to keep their party favors separate from each other.

We also put Firecracker's birthday sign at the head of the table.

And served the treats on crescent moon plates with shooting star forks.  (More details about those below.)

The night before, I had enlisted Hubby's help to use star stickers to put up different constellations throughout the house to be used as a game and also for decorations.

And we pulled out Little Brother's solar system quilt which helped with some of the bean bag toss games...

...and had an "I Love You to the Moon" and back print displayed on the mantel.

Here's how I made the plates...
I bought a package of black plates and a package of white plates at the dollar store.
I cut a crescent shape out of a white plate.
Applied hot glue to the back.
And glued it onto a black plate.

This might not be the best idea if you're serving runny or liquidy foods that could seep underneath...but it worked great with the spacey snacks we were serving.

To make the shooting star forks, I used some of the ribbon left over from making the shooting star bean bags and some glittery foam star stickers.

I hot glued the ribbons to the back of the fork...
...and then glued the star to the front of the fork...again...easy peasy.  

The girls LOVED them and a few of them even saved them in their favor bags to take home.

And that almost does it for party details...just one more post to look forward to. :)

Please show my sponsors some love...

Personalized Rocket Plaque from nJoy Art
Faith in God Makes Me Stronger from Shirleen Bland's Art Studio
Flying Saucer Original Painting from nJoy Art

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  1. I would have kept my fork, for sure. And I love the constellations scattered through the house. Was it hard to get the stickers off the wall afterwards?

  2. Such cute but simple details. You are so creative!


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