Sunday, June 30, 2013

One Last Reminder...New Ways to Follow

At the risk of sounding a little annoying...if you're still using Google Reader, you'll need to update to another blog reader.  Google Reader is going away tonight.  Here are some other easy options for following Pieces by Polly.  There are lots of readers out there and pretty much any of them should work.  Here are my favorite ways to follow blogs...

Follow this blog with bloglovin

Follow on Bloglovin

You can also find Pieces by Polly on Facebook here.  (If you've been following me on Facebook for a while, please click over and follow the new Pieces by Polly Page.  I'm working on getting the name on my Helping Little Hands page changed and merged with the new page, but that may take a while.)

You can also find here me on Pinterest.

I'm looking into getting on Twitter and Google+...are there any other ways you'd like to follow?

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