Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sticky Note Art and Simple Stocking Stuffer Idea

Looking for a stocking stuffer for an art loving kid, I've got you covered.  This idea is brought to you by Seth, who LOVES to draw.  You might remember his All-Boy Art Party that we put together for his birthday.  We've finally gotten him to behave at church by making sure we always have a drawing book handy.

I've been going a little crazy trying to juggle getting Christmas gifts ready, filling shop orders, and keeping things moving around here.  I'm hoping to have the next installment in the quilt along done today, but I wanted to share this quick idea.

A while ago, our sticky notes kept going missing.  When we figured out what he was doing, we started giving him his own post-it notes.

You can bet that his own post-it notes and no-bleed pens are going to be in his stocking this year.  We were introduced to these no-bleed super fine point sharpies (affiliate link) by Katie's art teacher this year, but you can browse your office supply store for others.)  I like the no-bleed markers because it doesn't leave impression marks on the books like ball-point pens do.

I just love this art activity for a couple reasons:
  1. It encourages him to fill the whole paper.  When my kids are drawing on regular printer paper they draw something in the middle and don't want to fill the paper.  The sticky notes are just the right size for them to fill the whole thing.
  2. There's creativity in just choosing the part of the book to copy.
  3. He's noticing illustrator techniques and parts of the cover art that he wouldn't otherwise notice.  For instance, he notices that the artist uses lines to show the fir, etc.
  4. Fine motor skills practice.
  5. Nice, calm activity to help him wind down for going to sleep.

We just realized on our most recent trip at Thanksgiving that one of Seth's favorite cousins loves art too.  I'm really not sure how we missed that connection before, but once we told the boys that they both loved art, they'd alternate between being roudy, loud boys to taking breaks drawing together.  Pure Awesome.  His favorite cousin might be getting his own pack of sticky notes from Seth.

Please show my sponsors some love...

Reindeer - Holiday Frost from You Keep Me in Stitches

Modern Black and Gold Hexies Baby Quilt - Pieces by Polly

Aspen Frost from Sisters and Quilters
The Real Reason for the Season Print - From Prints of Peace

I'll be linking to: make it wear it   Photobucket Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party! Fresh Poppy DesignOr so she saysSo I Married A Craft BloggerWIP Wednesday at Freshly Piecedseven thirty threeSomewhat Simple   I Quilt @ Pretty BobbinsThe Girl Creative

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  1. This is really wonderful. He is a great artist for his age! Such a neat idea.

  2. I love the idea of copying just a part of the picture. Go, Seth!

  3. Hey, I haven't minded the break from the quilt-along; it's given me time to catch up! :) Take care.

  4. I like that idea. I mean I hate the drawn in the center of the big printer piece and then they won't go back and draw on it because it is all colored on. This is perfect. Now if only post it notes didn't cost so much. Maybe I will see what the dollar store has!


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