Friday, February 5, 2010

Chocolate Mini-Cupcakes with Printable Pattern

Finally some printable patterns!  A big thank you to SpartanGirl on Camp Slop for pointing me in the right direction for uploading PDF's so these patterns will stay true to size.  I've been meaning to get this up for a while.  One of these days I'll get around to following her recommendation for making a three column blog.  Here is a printable version of the mini-cupcake/muffin pattern I made.  I'm also adding it to the original tutorial for my blueberry muffins.

After I made some blueberry muffins, I wanted to make some other muffin/cupcakes to fill up my daughter's muffin tin...but I figured it would be more fun to have different kinds, so I went for chocolate next.  I used exactly the same pattern that I used for the blueberry muffins, so you'll have to go back there for the complete tutorial, but I've figured out a few things as I've been making more.
The main thing is that I've been going along, I've stuffed them tighter and only used chopped up felt scraps.  It's hard to tell in the picture, but handling them, you can tell a big much so that I'm thinking of opening the blueberry muffins back up and putting more fill in them.

One thing I should warn you about the pattern below is that the top circle is just a little bit big.  As you sew it onto the bottom, every few stitches, you'll need to take a couple slightly bigger stitches on the top than the cooresponding stitches on the sides.  This will gather the top, ever so slightly and make the top poof out more...or if that sounds too intimidating, then cut the top circle, just a TINY bit inside the lines.

And don't forget to try the scrumptious strawberries?


  1. Chocolate AND blueberry? Too many calories for me! They look delicious, Polly.

  2. Thank you for sharing your awesome project at Thursday’s Treasures last week! Come share your crafty projects in this week’s Thursday’s Treasures too!

  3. AHHH!!! I'm so excited all of your felt food... this is exactly what I've been thinking about lately.... oh oh oh, this is wonderful!!!

  4. ahhh!!! this is wonderful but what colors of felt do you need to make the chocolate mini cupcakes????thanks a lot polly:)

  5. yum yum! Look delicious and I want to eat them!!!


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