Friday, January 7, 2011

Kitchenware with Creative Wrapping - Great Gift Ideas

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know I'm in the process of adding some red touches to my kitchen.  This is my first attempt at really "decorating" a room.

So I was super excited to find this under the tree.

My mom wrapped my gift up in some red dishtowels and kept it all together with a red ribbon and little embroidery floss ties.

I was even more excited to see what was inside.

Matching, high quality stoneware...
...and some beautiful with matching dishclothes.

I couldn't wait to put them to use at the table.  We made Firecracker's favorite cucumber salad Christmas evening.

And then earlier this week, we had my Nana's meat pie for dinner as an excuse to use the new pie plate, with the other dish along for the ride holding our steamed veggies.

My mom let me know that she found the stoneware at Goodwill, which I think is awesome.  One of the things that is a little overwhelming for me at Christmas is that so much money is spent on buying brand new stuff when gently used would have been great and a whole lot cheaper.  I love that she was able to get some things that are meaningful and just as good or better than what she could have bought at a retail store.


  1. Yum! It was fun shopping and wrapping this gift for you, Polly!

  2. awesome! thanks for sharing polly! i have a red kitchen too and absolutely love it! it's so fun to decorate!

  3. I would love the recipe for the cucumber salad if possible...thanks!!

    kswin33 at


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