Saturday, January 22, 2011

Primary Lesson Helps and Some Hopeful News

At church this year, I'm teaching the CTR 6 class.  (CTR stands for Choose the Right and I have the kids who are 6 years old.)  A lot of you out there who are LDS and teaching primary probably already know about Sugardoodle, but just in case, I thought I'd mention them.  They have a lot of great resources to go along with the LDS Primary Lesson Manuals.  I'll be using this little printable book that goes with the next three lessons.

And, I might mention these again a little closer to Valentine's Day, but you can get the printable for the Valentine's I made for my Primary Class last year here.  I'll probably be making them again for my class this year, especially since this is a different batch of kids, in a totally different town since we moved over the summer.  I might switch the text up a little this year and put "...and so does my Primary Teacher!" inside.

I'm also pretty excited about trying out some of the ideas in these Family Home Evening Lessons that match the weekly Primary Themes.  We're pretty regular about holding Family Home Evening, but we need to improve our lessons.

...And in some completely unrelated good news...Hubby found out last night that he made it past the first round cuts for a teaching fellowship he applied for.  It's pretty competitive, and there are still two more rounds of interviewing to go.  It's a fellowship for new science and math teachers that would be a huge pat on the back for him as well as mean extra mentoring and support for him in his teaching, getting to work with some other awesome teachers from all over the country, a couple of trips back East for extra training, some extra funding for his school and his classroom, and a little extra for us.  His phone interview is first thing Monday morning.  Keep us in your prayers, and think some good thoughts for him Monday morning. :)


  1. I linked to your blog on my blog today:

  2. Yay Eric! I hope it all goes well!


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