Monday, May 2, 2011

Mother's Day Bubbles Card

With Mother's Day coming up in less than a week, a lot of us are scrambling to come up with something.  I know I'm still undecided about what to put together...which isn't so good since it has to be mailed to our kids' birthmom's far away.  Eeeek!

I thought I'd share the photo card we put together a couple years ago in case it sparks an idea for someone else.

I started by taking a picture of Firecracker blowing bubbles in a spot where there was just grass for the background.

Then I cropped it a little and made the bubble words and heart bubbles in Photoshop.  I'm not going to lie.  It took forever to figure out how to make them look bubbly, and Photoshop has improved so much, I'm sure there are people out there who could make much better ones now.

If you have photoshop and would like to make your own like this, I've made the Photoshop format file available here.  You could open it up and just copy and paste the words and bubbles into your own picture.  They're each saved as a different object in the file, so that should be fairly easy work.  I'm not sure how it will work if you try to use a program other than Photoshop.  If anyone knows of a way to make the bubbles more available to use in other programs, I'd love to know.

What do you have planned for Mother's Day?


  1. This is darling! What a cute idea for a card!! Thanks for sharing--I know it was a lot of work! ;)

  2. This is so cute! I love the bubbles.

  3. Such a cute idea! Bubbles are the best :)

  4. SO cute! We played with some pretty cool bubbles today =)

  5. I love it, what a fun card idea and thank you for making the file available. Yes I could probably figure out how to do it, but why bother when yours is already done and looks so nice:)

  6. Awesome! Shared this on fb and twitter.

  7. This is too cute!! thanks for sharing! I am one of your newest followers and I'd love if you'd follow back!

    Kelli @

  8. I just found your blog and am your newest follower. This edited photo looks like SO MUCH fun. Thanks for the great blog full of inspiration.

  9. oh my gosh, how super cute. fabulous idea!

  10. Thank you so much for sharing this! I don't have Photoshop, so I just went to their website and downloaded the trial version so that I could make this card for all of my kids' grandmas. Thanks again for sharing!!

  11. I'm featuring this on my blog tomorrow. I hope you'll stop by! ;)

  12. This is perfect! I was just thinking of how I need to go out during lunch and buy a card, but now I can make this and it'll be so much more personal - my mom will love it!! Thank you so much Polly!

  13. I'm amazed. Great idea. Now, if I could just find the time to master photoshop. I cheat and use picnik. :)
    Thanks for sharing on Motivated Monday

  14. This is the cutest card EVER! Great job!


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