Sunday, May 13, 2012

Repost: Other Mothers

With the move and the new baby, I've been a major slacker this year for Mothers' Day.  I haven't gotten anything ready for my kids' birthmoms...or for my mom (who's also celebrating her birthday today) or my mother-in-law...or any of the other wonderful mom figures in my life.

And I also don't have an inspiring Mothers' Day post I thought I'd go ahead and repost the one I did for last year, because even though I've been a mom for the past 7 Mothers' Days I remember how hard Mothers' Day was when we didn't have our kids yet...

So here's to all you amazing Other Mothers...

...I'm thinking of you.

Especially my kids' birthmoms...who gave me the ultimate gift...their most precious treasure...

I'm so glad they're a part of my life and my kids' lives.

I'm thinking of all you other birthmoms out there who get to see or hear from your child...

And I'm thinking of you birthmoms who wonder...where they are and who they've become...

I'm thinking of you who considered adoption and chose to single parent.  And I wonder how that little baby is...

I'm thinking of all you foster moms...

And single moms...

And moms who have angel babies waiting for you in Heaven...

And all you who desperately want to be moms, but aren't yet...

And all you moms who love your children who struggle...

Mother's Day used to be hard for me.  Not just because I didn't have kids...but because I didn't know if I would ever have kids

Seven Eight years ago for Mother's Day, Eric and I told our parents that we had started paperwork to become approved for adoption.  Six Seven years ago, I celebrated my first Mother's Day as a mom.

I.   AM.   SO.   BLESSED. 

If Mother's Day is hard for you...I'm sending a hug...and thinking of you. 

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reposting, Polly. This is lovely. Sending hugs to Alanna and Liz!


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