Saturday, March 9, 2013

Car Quilt (and other Hospital Quilt Finishes)

Besides the 4 I-Spy Quilts we got finished up to send off to Seattle Children's Hospital this week, we also sent off 6 other quilts.

I'm especially excited about this little Car Mat Quilt.  Seth has grown out of it a bit, but he LOVED driving his little cars on EVERYTHING from the time he was about 18 months until he was 4 or so.  I've seen some other ones around the blogsphere and thought of a way to sew them up that takes very little planning.  I've now made 3 quilt tops like this and really like how they turn out.  I love that you can use whatever scraps you have on hand and although it looks like a lot of's really just sewing 4 or 5 large blocks of green together and then sewing in roads.  Karen, the founder of Katie's Comforter's Guild of Seattle Children's Hospital sent me lots of green fabrics to play with, so I'll be making more of these.  When I sew the next one, I'll take some detailed pictures for a tutorial.  I tucked a little car inside the blanket, so a little guy has something to drive on the roads.

This was another special quilt.  Katie and I started it together about a year ago and have worked on it off and on (mostly off) ever since.  I finally got the binding sewed on it for her.  From the beginning, she knew it was to be donated to someone else...but she got to decide where to donate it.  She decided she wanted it to go to the Children's Hospital with the other quilts.
This is another quilt that requires very little planning ahead in terms of exact cutting of pieces and I'm hoping to have a tutorial for making one of your own.
Some of these fabrics are scraps from Katie's own blankets, so that made it especially fun for her.

When it was actually time to drop it off to the neighbors though, it was hard to let go.  She wrote a card to go with it to the little girl who will receive it, and gave it a hug...and there were some tears after dropping it off.  Part of me wanted to let her keep it...but she has FIVE precious blankets she sleeps with every night already, and I think there's a lot of value in teaching kids to occasionally give things up that are meaningful to them.

We also made a few quilts that were just large block of fabric with ties.

Everyone loved this cityscape fabric.
(How do you like her haircut?  She did it herself!)

We were able to identify all of the cities except for this one...anyone know what city's skyline this is?

And one sweet lady who came to our little quilt party sewed up this whole quilt in a day.  This is the one quilt that I didn't do a single thing to help make.

I love the machine quilting she did on it.  I tend to try to hide my quilting in the seams, but she used contracting thread and one of her machine's patterned stitches and made those fun diagonal lines.

We washed all these up after taking the pictures, so they'd be fresh and clean for the sweet kiddos at Seattle Children's.

Please show my sponsors some love...
Wipe Clean Doodles from Lisa @ Usbourne Books
Drawing,Doodling and Coloring Book from Lisa @ Usbourne Books
Tuxedo Collection Fabric Bundle - From Sisters and Quilters

I'll be linking to: A Mommy Adventures Keeping It Simple abc buttonTip Junkie handmade projects giveaways make it wear it   Katie's Nesting Spot Photobucket Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party! abc buttonShibley Smiles Fresh Poppy DesignPoint of View: A Creative Collaboration,a creative collaboration,point of view,point of view a creative collaborationThe Girl CreativeOr so she saysSo I Married A Craft Blogger

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  1. Polly, these quilts are so wonderful. I'm excited to see the tutorials for the car/road quilt and the strip quilt that Katie helped to make. The photos of the kids with the quilts are so cute, too. (Including Becca's will grow...). Seeing what you are doing with the quilts, and involving other people (including your children!) makes me so grateful and glad I could be your first sewing teacher so long ago. I am so proud of you!

  2. Polly - fun quilts, and so sweet of your daughter to part with a special one. We donate quilts here to Comforts for Kids, many of which go to Foster Care.
    Love the haircut - I think every one of my five gave themselves a 'trim' at about the same age=)

  3. This is adorable! Thank you so much.

  4. Those quilts really are fantastic. I love that your daughter was able to help you create one of them. It's so important to teach kiddos to give.

  5. You are a quilting machine! I love that your daughter helped make and then choose where to donate the quilt -- little things like that are definitely experiences that more kids should have!

  6. What a great idea to keep a little guy busy while he's in the hospital!

  7. What a fabulous idea! You are amazing!

  8. What an awesome project for you and your daughter! And your daughter's quilt was even more special with the note attached. I love the car quilt:)

  9. Do you have a pattern for the car mat?


    1. Sorry no pattern yet, but it's been on my mind that I need to get that done. If you can email me directly, I can give you the general instructions though.


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