If you've followed my blog for a while, you know that I love making quilts to donate to Seattle Children's Hospital. So when my friend Lisa brought of the idea of an Usborne Books "party" to help send books to the children at Seattle Children's Hospital, I jumped at the chance. Here's more from Lisa to share some of her favorite books and let you know how your book purchases can also benefit the kids at Seattle Children's..and don't forget to read all the way to the bottom to enter the GIVEAWAY!!

The book drive will go through March 31st, and you can participate in our book drive in two
- One, purchase books for the children in your life. They make great gifts for birthdays, Christmas, baby showers, summer reading, car trips, etc.
- Two, donate directly to our book drive. All sales and donations will be matched at 50% in free books for the hospital.
Usborne Books are high quality, engaging, educational and
affordable. Many of my favorites are
under $10.00. We have over 1700 titles
for ages ranging from infants to high school levels, so there’s something for
every kid on your list. Read on for some
book recommendations and great reading tips.
We have lots of books that are great for infants and
toddlers. For infants, the Baby’s
Very First Black and White Library is a good place to start. The That’s Not My series is also
good. The illustrations are outlined in
a bold black line so that infants can see them and they are full of textures
for toddlers to enjoy. My favorite
Touchy-Feely books are our newest series, the Playbooks. All the books in this series have very
bright, fun colors and lots of textures, cutouts and interactions on each
page. The
Big Playbook even has a sound panel.
First Word Book is the perfect book for growing vocabularies with new
Our growing line of noisy
board books are crowd pleasers. Kids
can’t keep their hands off my copy of Noisy Orchestra. I love how it shows what each instrument
section sounds like and then combines them together in the end. And the music is nice to listen to. Another favorite is Noisy
Nursery Rhymes. I can’t keep these
in stock at my events because they are so popular. Nursery rhymes are a great way to introduce
toddlers to some of the intricacies of language and they provide early positive
experiences with literature that can kindle a lifelong love of reading.
Preschool to 1st
Preschool to 1st Grade is a fun time as children
are learning to read. We have many great
books for early and emerging readers.
Our Phonics
Readers have fun, engaging stories with lots of great pictures. For a great value, Ted
& Friends and Farmyard
Tales are both combined volumes of reader books. They each come with a CD so kids can listen
to the stories when parents are not available to read. They are great for the car. Another great resource is the Very
First Reader Set. This 15 book set
features progressively harder books. The
first books are dual level meaning there is a section for the parent to read
and a section for the child. The child’s
part starts very basic but the parent part allows for a more engaging
story. At the end of each book are
puzzles to check for comprehension as well as a guide of what phonics are
introduced in each book.
For story time, Gobble,
Gobble Moooooo Tractor Book, Cuddle Bear and Dan the Taxi
Man are some of my favorite picture books.
Gobble, Gobble Moo has a bunch of farm animals that are imitating the
sounds of a tractor using animal noises.
It is fun to read aloud and will have little ones giggling all the way
through. Cuddle Bear can be purchased
with a Cuddle
Bear plush that can make a great companion for a snuggly story time. Dan the Taxi Man has a fun jazz rhythm when
read aloud.
Jack and Billie
B Brown are perfect beginning chapter books for emerging readers. They have limited words per page, large print
and illustrations on every other page spread.
They are not overwhelming but still give new readers the satisfaction of
reading chapter books. They also have
fun stories about dealing with all sorts of situations our young readers might
experience in their own lives.
2nd Grade
to 5th Grade
We have several fun series for this age range. Starting with the lower level books, Jack Russell:
Dog Detective, Amy
Wild Animal Talker and The Pony-Crazed
Princess are great series for animal lovers. Oliver Moon
is a fun series with a bit of magic. All
of these books are appropriate for a 2nd to 3rd grade
level. The Illustrated
Stories and Illustrated
Originals are perfect for introducing children to Shakespeare,
Myths, Aesop,
and more. For a more in-depth read, The
Usborne Book of Greek Myths is a perfect tool. It’s the perfect companion book for any Percy
Jackson fan.
The Silver Spires
series is a fun set for 3rd grade and up that delves into the
complexities of friendships and rivalries.
For the same ages, the Extreme
Adventure Series is full of nail-biting, non-stop action. I Am Jack is a
wonderful book for discussing bullying.
It’s based on the real experiences of the author’s son and portrays his
emotions, struggles and triumphs.
Finally, the Conspiracy
365 series is designed for the reluctant reader. The plot is quick moving and the language is
not too complex. It is for ages 10 and
up and once a reader is hooked on the first book, there are 12 total in the
original series with others
that follow with the same characters.
6th Grade
and up
For our older readers, I recommend the Phoenix
Files series. It’s a science
fiction/action series designed for ages 14 and up. Also, The Last
Thirteen for ages 11 and up. This is
another science fiction series that will consist of 13 books. The remaining books will be released each
month until December.
I also enjoyed The Roman Pony
Trilogy, which is an engaging story of an adventurous heroine set during
Roman Britain. To view our other great titles for
middle grade students, visit my website.
Activities, Arts and
For the budding artists, we have books for coloring,
stickering, doodling and art. Some of our most popular ones for younger
kids are I
Can Draw Animals and I Can Draw
People. Our new title, the Step-by-Step
Drawing Book, is a great addition and even includes areas to try drawing
right inside the book. Our Wipe-Clean
series is great for interactive, repeated use. We currently have 13 titles available ranging
from very basic Doodles to
practice pencil control to more complex skills like First
Words and Telling
Time. They come with a dry erase
marker, but I recommend getting some Crayola dry erase crayons if you plan to
give these books to a child who may draw on their clothing or furniture as dry
erase does not wash out very well.
For bigger kids, the Complete
Book of Art Ideas, 365
Things to Make and Do, and Big
Book of Things to Draw are all great combined volume books with lots of fun
arts and craft ideas. I love the series
of coloring books designed for older kids.
These have line drawings that are fairly detailed with an example of
what it could look like once it’s colored.
Topics include Butterflies,
Flowers, Rainforest,
Birds, Forest Life,
Life and a combined volume—Nature to Color.
Must have non-fiction
No library is complete without non-fiction books to show the
wonders of the world. Our non-fiction books
feature bright, beautiful engaging pictures with bite sized pieces of
text. Non-fiction is important to
increasing vocabulary. It is nearly
impossible to progress past a 4th grade vocabulary without
experiencing non-fiction writing. Our Beginner Discovery series
is perfect for introducing our young
readers to all sorts of amazing topics.
For 8 and up, the Discovery and Discovery
Adventure series are popular.
I also love our encyclopedia
set. It includes three volumes: Science,
History and Geography. Within the books are links to the Usborne Quicklinks
site. These links connect the child with
multiple websites that have been screened for safety, reliability and
appropriateness. Therefore, these three
encyclopedias can be the spring board to a wealth of research for virtually any
school project. No home should be
without this fantastic set.
For a bit of fun along with lots information, our See Inside flap book
series is popular. Studies have
shown that children learn more from flap books due to the engagement of more
senses. Don’t forget to check these out—especially
Your Body.
How to Help
- Click here to see the entire catalog and to support the Seattle Children’s Hospital Book Drive with your purchase.
- Donate here and have 150% of your donation purchase books for the hospital.
Reading Tips
Three things to do TODAY to help your child develop good
reading habits:
- Create three book boxes (shoe box, basket) filled with plenty of reading materials. Place one by the kitchen table, or where your child eats breakfast, one in the bathroom, and one next to your child’s bed.
- Place a reading light by your child’s bed.
- Allow your child to stay awake 20 minutes longer at bedtime if they choose to read in bed.
For more tips on encouraging reading, receive a
free copy of “10 Ways to Raise a Reader” by subscribing to my newsletter here. If you are not on Facebook, email me at lisa@usborneoutlet.com to subscribe
and I will send it to you.
To host a Facebook party to earn free books for your family
or to do your own book drive for an organization, contact me. If you mention this post, you’ll receive $10
in extra free books when we close your party.
Lisa Monson
Books & More
A great idea - and a quality product (I loved buying USBORNE books when our kids were young)! Thank you for doing this for the hospital; I can attest to the importance of the library in the playroom. Having access to a library is something that families would otherwise have to give up while their child is an in-patient. I don't know if you are going to donate these to the volunteer office to distribute as gifts through Childlife, or to the hospital's library, but either way, you are going to make a lot of people happy!