Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Apron from a Dress

We've been doing 12 Days of Christmas for a teenage girl this year.  It's been a fun challenge to figure out what kinds of things a teenager would enjoy that also doesn't break the bank.

I'd heard she likes to cook, so I thought of making her a fun apron.  I had researched a number of fun patterns online.  Then I remembered this dress that I'd just picked up at the thrift store.  I'd bought it because it was made out of quilt-grade 100% cotton fabric...and I just planned to cut it up for the fabric.  Then I decided to try turning it into an apron and see how it went.

I love how it turned out... I thought about doing a full tutorial, but really...what good would it do unless you had the same dress to start with, and I was really just making it up as I went along.  Here's generally what I did though.

I opened up the back to cut the zipper out and take out the back of the bodice.  I had just enough fabric from the back of the bodice to lengthen the straps to go around the neck.  They weren't long enough to tie, so I used two D rings instead with a lined strap.  (One thing I learned making nursing don't want to skimp on strap quality.)
Looking at the dress like this...I felt just little like I was back in biology doing dissections.

I didn't have enough fabric left to make a sash, so I looked through my stash.  I considered a couple options...but the one that really made the whole thing pop was this black tuxedo floral by Riley Blake from Sisters and Quilters.
I hesitated just a bit because I really LOVE this fabric...and it's some of the few "designer" fabric I've bought just because I liked it.  Anyway...we're trying to teach our kids that we don't just give away stuff we care about...we give away things we value and this fabric really did look the into the apron it went.  There's something I just love about red, white, and black together.

I love how it turned out...just wish I'd gotten some better pictures of it.  I'd thought about adding pockets to it...but I never use the pockets my apron has and I was worried it would ruin some of the vibe of the apron.
Do your photo shoots ever look something like this?  (Kids wanting standing on a chair, so I'm at the right height for the mirror...)
(And if you like the necklace, this one came from Boutique Academia.  I don't think she carries this exact one anymore, but there are several other astronomy inspired pieces available.)
I wrapped up a second copy of one of my favorite cookbooks in it.  (Quick and Healthy Recipes and Ideas by Brenda Ponichtera is one of my very favorite cookbooks because the recipes are healthy and it doesn't call for strange ingredients.)

Hopefully the girl I made it for will feel pretty and have fun cooking in it.

And if you're wanting an apron similar to for yourself or to give as a gift, but don't have the right starting dress, you should check out the very reasonably priced Bombshell aprons from Mimi & the Boy.

Please show my sponsors some love...
Bombshell Apron from Mimi and the Boy
Anatomical Heart Pendant from Boutique Academia
Tuxedo Collection Fabric Bundle - From Sisters and Quilters

I'll be linking to: A Mommy Adventures Keeping It Simple abc buttonTip Junkie handmade projects giveaways make it wear it   Katie's Nesting Spot Photobucket Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party! abc buttonShibley Smiles Fresh Poppy DesignPoint of View: A Creative Collaboration,a creative collaboration,point of view,point of view a creative collaborationThe Girl CreativeOr so she saysSo I Married A Craft Blogger

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  1. I really love the way this apron turned out, Polly! She's going to love it. Thanks for the apron recommendation too!

  2. Oh, I love the "photo shoot" picture - thanks for a behind-the-scenes glimpse! Darling apron...lucky recipient! And you are so right about the gift meaning more when it comes from something we truly value.

  3. That apron is really cute. She will love it. I love the bombshell apron pattern from Mimi and the Boy. Really cute.

  4. What a great idea! Very cute use of a thrifted find. I'm a big apron fan, but I always give away the ones I create, so perhaps I'll make this one next for me. Thanks!
    Jessica @ A Humble Creation

  5. I Featured your project in my post!


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