At the beginning of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry receives his first ever birthday cake from Hagrid. As with many things Hagrid does, the cake is not elegant, but it is done with lots of heart.
We're told that it's pink with green frosting and that it got slightly squashed in Hagrid's coat during the journey. It's also a bit mispelled, "HAPPEE BIRTHDAE HARRY." All of these features make it the perfect project for a new cake artist to attempt on their own.
Frosting not smooth or perfect? No problem. Mispellings or uneven lettering? No problem. It's just all in keeping with the spirit of the cake.
We have "real" cake decorating supplies, but the ziploc baggie method is my favorite because there's almost no clean-up.
To stay authentic to the books, you'll want to be sure the cake inside is chocolate.
Rebecca got a bit discouraged that the frosting wasn't smoother, but we reassured her that Hagrid would have done the same, and by the end she was really proud of herself. And the whole family enjoyed eating it...including our less-Harry-Potter-loving family members.
We've got lots of other Harry Potter inspired ideas. Check these links for more magical creations...

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